Sermon given by Father Pancras Raja on June 1st, 2020

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:4)
On this day we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the fiftieth day of the Resurrection, on which the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles and upon those who were with them – all united with the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer (Acts 1:14).
The Holy Ghost was sent by God the Father and the Son and came into this world to abide with us forever. In the article of the creed it is said: “we believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son.” In this article there are two important teachings for our reflection today.

  1. The procession of the Holy Ghost
  2. The mission of the Holy Ghost
    Procession of the Holy Ghost from the father and the Son
    This truth of the double procession of the Holy Ghost was defined in the council of Nicea as a condemnation of the heresy of the Orthodox Church – which claims that the Holy Ghost proceeds from God the Father alone. But it is a truth very clearly revealed in the Holy Scriptures. “But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things.” (Jn 14: 26) “Jesus breathed on his disciples; and said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” (Jn. 20: 22)
    The Catholic Church teaches us that the Holy Ghost comes to us as a personified love of the Father and the Son. The eternal Father produces as an infinite beauty his eternal Son. The father and the Son, looking at each other’s incomparable beauty – love each other with an infinite love. This mutual love becomes inter woven and form a third divine personality – “the spirit of love.” This loving stream of the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the son “made the City of God joyful” (Ps. 45:3) at the incarnation of the Son of God – by his perfect union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, descends – as a steam of love – in the form of fiery tongues – at the birth of the mystical body of Christ – the Catholic Church, united with the BL. V. Mary was born on the day of Pentecost.
    As St. Louis De Montfort says: “The holy Ghost gives himself to a soul, in proportion to which it is united with Mary” (T. D. 36). Here then, we find the condition to obtain the Holy Ghost! – The Union with the blessed Virgin Mary!
    The Mission of the holy Ghost
    The Holy Ghost comes to us as “sanctifier” to dwell within us; and by his indwelling – to make us holy. That is the mission of the Holy Ghost. By this mission of the Holy Ghost man receives a twofold dignity:
  3. His body becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost
  4. His soul becomes the Spouse of God.
    And here it is that man finds the meaning of his life – the sanctification of himself!
    How does the Holy Ghost (God the Sanctifier) effects sanctification in us?
    By, through and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Special interior practices for sanctification in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Here are some very sanctifying interior practices for those souls who feel called by the Holy Ghost to a high degree of sanctification. They may be expressed in four words, doing everything through Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary. (T. D. 257)
Through Mary
We must do everything through Mary, that is, we must obey her always and be led in all things by her spirit, which is the Holy Spirit of God. “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God,” (T. D. 258)

1) Should renounce his own spirit, his own views and his own will before doing anything.
2) We should give ourselves up to the spirit of Mary to be moved and directed as she wishes. (T. D. 259)
With Mary
In every action then we should consider how Mary performed it or how she would perform it if she were in our place. We do everything:
1) With Her lively faith,
2) With Her deep humility,
3) With Her truly divine purity. (T. D. 260)
In Mary
We must do everything in Mary. For it is in this paradise, in this virgin and
immaculate soil from which the new Adam was formed. (T. D. 261)
The Holy Ghost also calls her the Sanctuary of the Divinity, His Resting-Place, the Throne of God, the City of God, the Altar of God, the Temple of God, the World of God.
What a joy and a privilege for us to enter and dwell in Mary, in whom almighty God has set up the throne of his supreme glory! (T. D. 262)
For Mary
Finally, we must do everything for Mary as if we were her personal servant and slave. Relying on her protection, we should undertake and carry out great things for our noble Queen. We must attract everyone, if possible, to
her service and to this true and sound devotion. We must apply ourselves to spreading this true devotion.
As a reward for these little services, we should expect nothing in return save the honor of belonging to such a lovable Queen and the joy of being united through her to Jesus, her Son.
Glory to Jesus in Mary! Glory to Mary in Jesus! Glory to God alone! (T. D. 265)